This is the story of my wanderings, thought processes, and collections as I take walks through the community in which we live. The findings are literal objects collected on the way as well as the thoughts they may provoke.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Petrified Books

Surely by now everyone has seen the new book sculptures which appeared at the Marriott Library at the start of the school year. Being a lover of books and the process by which they are made I found them a welcome addition. The Library also houses a large rare books department that I would also highly recommend checking out. What has everyone else thought? You may also vote for your favorites.




5. My favorite, a Gutenberg Bible. The first book printed by moveable metal type.


Monday, November 23, 2009

In the Margins

A while back I was working in the computer lab at the school. I noticed somebody had left their notebook behind. I opened it. I'd like to say it was to find the respective owner so that the right thing could be done, but it may have been nosiness. At any rate, inside the front cover I found this amazing illustration.

It astounds me that there are others out their just like me. Who even from the second grade have doodled in the margins, and more specifically dinosaurs eating anything and everything. Even in my high school AP English exam, in my extra time, I drew a picture of the exam reader giving my paper the thumbs up. (Not sure if it effected my grade, but I passed.)

It leads me to wonder: how many more there are whose class notes are riddled with the whims of a wild imagination?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Special Treatment

Utah county sign. However, they'd need an entire lot of these to fulfill the need. Which, then, defeats the purpose.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Top Jack O Latern Voting

Here is a collection of Jack o'Lanterns found near my apartment. There were way to many to include here. I have picked my top twenty (in no order). Leave a vote for your favorite. Many became distorted by weather. Also some photos are not great due to the fact that they were taken discretely in front of the owners' open window.

1. Legs but no face?


4. This one gets mention because its unfinishedness gives it an odd, couldn't hack it quality.

5. What?

6. In my top 3. This one became cooler with age, like some kind of wine or your weird Uncle.


8. Mom, look what I made!


10. A mean family. Props to the right one.

11. Swiss cheese pumpkin? Just because it hasn't been done doesn't make it a good idea.

12. Let's see how long this one lives to prosper.


14. I know for a fact this actually came from a template included in a carving kit. For shame.

15. You almost expect this one to tell you to trick-or-treaters to "get off the porch."


17. How crafty!

18. It's got spirit, I'll give it that.

19. Dig the backwards carve.

21. Some kind of face.

22. Check this one. My favorite. It's actually there all year but the caution tape adds an incidental element most cannot match even with their craftiest efforts.

Monday, October 26, 2009

This week I returned to the origin of my experiment, the apartment complex which I live. Because many children live here I came across a few of their artifacts— their spelling words and autumn coloring. My favorite find, however, was the month of December 2009 from an Asian calander torn out and folded into a paper airplane. The mix of traditional characters with classic Euopean characters is interesting.

Monday, October 5, 2009


This week I noticed the backhoes which are working at the University in the business loop. As I understand it they are laying some kind of a sewer line. Well I'm sure they're a fine organization and a respectable company, but what kind of message does this send to their clients about
themselves. You decide. Personally I think the slogan trys utilizing humor only a notch above junior high level. Credibility?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Collections from Last Week

Collections from last week. The 'b' is quite interesting. Or is it a d? or a p? or a q?

New Value

An interesting article in which the author tells of two sides to any designed piece. It's historical context and the context we give to it through our own memories.

The trash I have collect during my experiment was, in all cases, designed for a particular purpose. (i.e. bbq invitation, beer label, etc) However, as I encounter the tossed-away-remains I give them new meaning. Through analysis and critique value is found in an object which was originally given no value and was littered away.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Legitamate Rubbish

This week turned out to be the messiest of all. Garbage everywhere. Yet I collected less than the previous weeks. Odd it may seem that the quantity was not proportional equal to the quality that I have encountered in the past. (If it can indeed ever really be called quality.)
I decided to investigate behind a local Shopko which also borders a freeway. The fence which barriers the freeway was full of trash thrown from vehicles. These were not mere scraps of paper, this was legitamate rubbish, soaking in puddles of filth. Disgusting. Yet thousands of people a day pass by. I became just one more.
At the start I set out to not only collect but to help out if I could by picking up litter. I was reminded this week by my first priority and as I said before I am not an environmentalist by any means. Therefore I did not clean up this horrid mess, my desire to tidy up a bit was outweighed by my unwant of getting a disease or pricking myself on some stray needle.
Seems I may not have come as far as I thought. But I am first and foremost a collector here and there was nothing for me.
To this point I have avoided collecting package and wrappers mostly because they are seen everywhere and immediately recognizable. Not very interesting. This was all I discovered here. Wendy's cups, cigarette cartons, etc.
I did find some interesting tags and a cool spot to possibly return with my skateboard but this was it.

Tags, a dead bird, and a place for the buttheads.

Monday, September 14, 2009

One Man's Junk

I came across lots of roster papers for the local little league coaches. On one Felipe was listed as the only substitute. I wonder if he ever took the field or remained the "backup". Beneath a bleecher lay a solitary scrap of paper, folded and hidden. I thought it must contain somebody's secrets of some kind. Upon unfolding it however, I discovered only the words "Hannah Montana." It's very important to someone out there. Other findings of note are:

  • A roll of measuring tape with the tape inside.

  • Some scraps of burned paper.

  • A sticker which reads "I helped fire fighters help 'Jersey's Kids.'"

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Park Tales

This week the experiment continues. I swept the park near my house this week for anything of interest. There seemed to be many stories here of which I'm unaware but can certainly imagine.

Much of the park, I found, has been dedicated to the President's of the Salt Lake Women's Council. Plaques sit before several trees. One of them was cut down. I wonder if her family knows, or maybe they're the culprits themselves.

I came to a secluded bridge which crosses a creek far below. It was a romantic, little spot; the kind you see on engagement announcements. I've even used it before myself as the centerpiece to my own special occasion. A date which included a treasure hunt. Under the bridge a different narrative played out. There was an abundant amount of soda bottles and chip bags. How many teenage potsmokers had taken advantage of this refuge I could only guess. The remains of at least one of their homemade devices had been discarded here. I took the liberty of throwing it in the trash for them.

Nearby a guy played tennis with a girlfriend. His shorts were shorter than hers. The adjacent basketball court honored the late "Hoop it Up" Dan. The greek fraternity letters cause me jump to likely conclusions about his demise.

an interesting garbage illustration.

"I better get on that side I don't have my passport."

Just like last week I discovered how much junk is really just lying around.